Third month of pregnancy – Symptoms, Child development and physical changes

In the third month of pregnancy, your baby grows significantly. As a result, you may feel more tired than ever. In this article we are telling you about the amazing changes happening in your baby and body in the last month of the first trimester.

Third Month of Pregnancy

Third (3rd) Month of Pregnancy

  1. Baby growth in third month of pregnancy
  2. Changes in body during 3rd month of pregnancy
  3. Things to know about third month of pregnancy

Baby growth in third month of pregnancy

By the end of the third month of pregnancy, the baby becomes about 3.5 inches in length and is the size of a plum. (Read more – How to get pregnant)

Although your baby is still very young, all her body parts and systems are developing and her genitals develop at the same time, although she cannot be seen on ultrasound tests until this time.

Your child’s hands and toes and nails also develop. Bones, cartilage and lower teeth and gums and muscles of the baby are formed.

Your child can now move his or her hands and feet. However, you will not be able to feel it for a few more months.

Your baby’s face is fully formed and he / she also starts sucking thumb or fist. Digestive juices are formed in the child and they also start to urinate.

Changes in body during 3rd month of pregnancy

You may feel more tired during the third month. It is very difficult to raise a child in the womb. In addition, both your blood sugar and blood pressure decrease during pregnancy.

Now you can feel your belly very slightly enlarged in roundness. Or no wonder because your uterus is currently the size of a grape.

Digestive problems may occur in the third month. Increased levels of progesterone hormone slow down digestion so that your body can absorb more nutrients for the baby. Unfortunately, due to this slow digestion, you may experience flatulence or stomach gas. Headache and dizziness are also common at this time.

Weight gain during pregnancy is also normal and by this time, the weight of women also increases a bit and their daily clothes also get tight.

Things to know about third month of pregnancy

If you are suffering from morning sickness during the third month of pregnancy, it can be really difficult to eat many or different types and healthy diet. Try to eat different types of fruits, vegetables, proteins, probiotics (yogurt, cheese, tofu) and whole grains throughout the day. To keep your pregnancy healthy, take Prenatal vitamin as well. Your child now grows very fast and needs all the nutrients that you can give him.

If you have not started taking prenatal calcium supplements yet, start taking them now. Calcium helps to strengthen and develop baby’s bones and teeth.

Keep yourself hydrated. Carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go, it really helps.

Although it is just the beginning of pregnancy but it is better that you start looking for pregnancy classes. If you are having trouble finding such classes, you can get their information from the hospital.

3rd Month of Pregnancy

The third month may be the most exhausting month of pregnancy. So relax more and more. Taking a nap in the middle of the day for a while can also help you to relieve fatigue. Drinking tea can also relieve it, but try that you drink more herbal tea.

Pregnancy by Month & Pregnancy by Week

  1. First Month of Pregnancy:- Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5.
  2. Second Month of Pregnancy:- Week 5, Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9.
  3. Third Month of Pregnancy:- Week 9, Week 10, Week 11, Week 12, Week 13.
  4. Fourth Month of Pregnancy:- Week 13, Week 14, Week 15, Week 16, Week 17.
  5. Fifth Month of Pregnancy:- Week 17, Week 18, Week 19, Week 20, Week 21.
  6. Sixth Month of Pregnancy:- Week 22, Week 23, Week 24, Week 25, Week 26.
  7. Seventh Month of Pregnancy:- Week 27, Week 28, Week 29, Week 30, Week 31.
  8. Eighth Month of Pregnancy:- Week 32, Week 33, Week 34, Week 35, Week 36.
  9. Ninth Month of Pregnancy:- Week 36, Week 37, Week 38, Week 39, Week 40.

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