10 Calcium-rich foods that are important during pregnancy

We all know how important calcium is for our body, and when it comes to pregnancy, the importance of calcium in it increases even more.

Calcium Rich Food During Pregnancy

Today, through this article, we are going to tell you why and how important calcium is in pregnancy and with the help of which you can fulfill it.

These foods are rich in calcium

  1. Soya milk
  2. Pulse
  3. Dairy Products
  4. Fish
  5. Tofu
  6. Brokley
  7. Almond
  8. Oatmeal
  9. Date
  10. Orange

Following are the list of top ten calcium rich food those are important during pregnancy


Orange During Pregnancy

There can be no better alternative than orange for the fulfillment of calcium during pregnancy. If you also do not like to eat dairy products, then you can eat oranges to replenish calcium. In addition to calcium, orange also provides you antioxidants such as vitamin C, which helps to enhance your immune system. The tangy (sour-sweet) taste of orange can also relieve morning sickness.


Dates During Pregnancy

Dates are full of energy and nutrients. It is very sweet and full of calcium which helps to keep bones and teeth healthy.


Oatmeal During Pregnancy

Oats provide nutrition to us because it contains calcium, riboflavin, carbohydrates, folic acid potassium etc. This keeps the stomach full and you do not feel hungry for a long time.


Almond During Pregnancy

Almonds have many benefits. They are rich in calcium and vitamin E. Eating almonds in pregnancy can increase the brightness of your face.


Brokley During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, broccoli can replenish calcium in the body, along with many other elements like vitamin C and vitamin D are also present in broccoli.


Tofu During Pregnancy

There can be no better option to remove calcium deficiency in the body during pregnancy. Actually, tofu contains nutrients like magnesium, protein and iron etc. in addition to calcium, which makes it so important.


Fish During Pregnancy

If you are a non-vegetarian, you can consume salemen, sardines and shrimp fish. These fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin B12.

Dairy Products

Dairy Products During Pregnancy

During pregnancy you should also keep consuming dairy products like milk, curd, cheese, mozzarella cheese and ice cream etc. Dairy products contain the highest amounts of calcium.


Pulses During Pregnancy

You have a variety of options in Pulses such as Lentils, Urad and Tur, etc. These pulses are full of fiber, protein and micro nutrients. Eating pulses gives your body zinc, iron, magnesium and potassium, which are very important for the body during pregnancy.

Soya Milk

Soya Milk During Pregnancy

If you do not like to drink milk, then you can resort to soy milk. It is a non-dairy milk, which contains up to 7 grams of protein. Not only this, soy milk has calcium as much as cow’s milk.

Calcium is an important mineral, if you are not getting enough of your daily calcium, then you can fulfill it with the help of the sources of calcium mentioned above.

What to eat and not to eat during pregnancy?

The time of pregnancy is very important. What women eat during pregnancy directly affects the child. During this time, it is very important to have a good and nutritious diet to keep the body healthy and healthy.

  1. Importance of nutrition in pregnancy
  2. Why is it important to have a balanced diet during pregnancy?
  3. What should be the balanced diet during pregnancy and why?
  4. Which vitamins and minerals are needed during pregnancy?
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  6. Importance of diet in pregnancy
  7. Foods to avoid during pregnancy

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